" Welcome to Sharaku "

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Sharaku is a sushi restaurant that was opened 45 years ago. Sushi and Toyama's fresh seafood are the pride of our shop.


We will be closed for lunch time for the time being.

〜Dinner time〜

( Mon-Sat )

17:00 pm〜21:00 pm

(Last call of food)


Sunday & Holiday

【Temporary Closed】


Can be paid by credit card、and more.

White shrimp is Specialties of Toyama.

White shrimp ( Japanese glass shrimp ) live only in Toyama Bay. It called " Jewels of Toyama Bay " ‼︎ Fisherman can fish from April to November.

Spring has come. Now is the season of firefly squid. ( March to May)

Normally firefly squid living at 1200 feet underwater, waves in the Toyama bay pushes the squid to the surface in massive numbers where they are fished by tons from March to May. The spawning season of the firefly squid also runs during the same period. Millions of female squid come to drop their eggs in the Toyama Bay's seaweed.

Firefly squid is very rare in Japan. The beautiful blue light, is called the mystery of Toyama Bay.