Firefly squid is living at 1200 feet ( 366m ) underwater. In the Springtime, Firefry squid go to shallow water for spawning. March to May are best timing for fishing their.
Red snow crab is a crab that is caught in a lot Toyama most.
Crab Miso / Crab's internal organs
Crab Miso is stewed crab's internal organs. Club Miso is cooked down the juice until reduced by half. So you can feel rich & strong flavor of Crab.
( 蟹味噌 カニミソ Kanimiso )
Pink Shrimp
Pink shrimp has a most rich sweetness & flavor .
( 甘海老 アマエビ Ama Ebi )
Japanese Ivory Shell
( 蛽 , 梅貝 バイガイ Baigai )
Japanese Ivory Shell has a firm texture & unique sweatness that spreads throughout the mouth. Enjoy with the ocean-scented entrails.
Cod roe
( 真鱈子 マダラコ Madarako )
Tarako is a salted roe food. Madarako is made from Cod roe.
Salted Squid with Ink
( 黒造り クロヅクリ Kurozukuri )
Kurozukuri is a kind of Shiokara. Shiokara is traditional preserved food in Japan. It is made from salted internal organs & salted meat of squid. Kurozukuri is added a ink to Shiokara. One of the famous local cuisine in Toyama.